Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 2011 is the 7th Annual NAPO Get Organized (GO) Month

Need more hours in the day? Find them by getting more organized. 
January 2011 is the 7th Annual Get Organized (GO) MonthSM 

The National Association of Professional Organizers, NAPO, 
wants to spread the word about the benefits of improved 
organization and its impact on productivity! 

The New Year is the perfect time to change habits that will improve your life.  Becoming 
more organized can save you time and money.  A recent NAPO survey showed that 65% 
of respondents consider their home at least moderately disorganized.  96% of those 
respondents felt they would save time by being more organized.  Price Waterhouse 
Cooper estimates that workers spend nearly 50% of their time looking for information 
because it isn’t organized properly. 

This is why seven years ago the National Association of Professional Organizers 
(NAPO) declared January as Get Organized (GO) Month.  Make 2011 the year you 
begin saving time by getting your home or office more organized. 

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